
Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope to encourage you, and grow myself by writing down what God is doing in my life.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, its the end of our last day of orientation. It was quite a long week, but a very informative one. I have really enjoyed getting to know a bunch of different guys, from completely different walks in life. It is amazing to see how God works in different ways through His people. It is clear that He has put each one of these guys at Moody for a definite purpose. I am so blessed to just be a small part of this great body of Christ! I am happy that orientation is over though, and I am so looking forward to starting classes. I know that some of these classes may stretch me, and make me feel uncomfortable, but I know that God will comfort me. If I could ask for a big prayer request it would be this, that my school would only be done to fall more in love with Jesus. If my classes don't do this, then I have not glorified God.


  1. And so begins a new chapter in your life. Moody will allow you to understand more about your Savior and equip you to minister to people effectively, but ultimately glorifying Him and falling more in love with Jesus falls on your shoulders. My prayer for you is that you will pursue Christ whole heartedly and allow Him to transform you into the man he desires you to be.

  2. Praising God with you for this new season begun! Your prayer request is a good one. It falls in line with His Biblical will for you, and is thus, one that He promises to answer!
    Enjoy your first week of classes!

  3. Great to read this...you know I am praying for you for sure!

  4. Hey, so glad you get to do this. I am praying for God to answer your request to love Jesus more.
